Pilates for the
Hypermobile Population
a workshop
with Jennifer Milner, NCPT
Bendy Bodies Podcast with the Hypermobility MD
Codifying Upper Cervical Instability with Leslie Russek, DPT, PhD
Creating a New Hypermobility Screening Tool with Aiko Callahan, DPT and Stephanie Greenspan, DPT
Exploring the Link Between Neurodivergency and Joint Hypermobility with Jessica Eccles, MD
2017 hEDS diagnostic criteria in the process of being updated, but what is currently available.
To test out for CECs:
Take this test. Upon a passing grade, I'll send you your certification!
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To purchase the on-demand version of this course for 70% off, go to the Bodies In:Motion course page and use coupon code PHLIVE. (note - this will also automatically grant you access to the community page, so you won't need to do both).
Stay in Touch!
@jennifer.milner on Instagram