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Dance Teachers' One-Day Seminar

This one-day seminar is packed with ways to bring dance science and cross-training into the dance studio, utilizing a variety of small equipment or simply body weight and mats. Easy to incorporate in a group setting, and excellent for getting the most out of your teaching time. Principles learned here can be applied within ballet class, or inspire you to offer additional cross-training options!

When:   Saturday, July 21

Time:     9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Where:  Hathaway Academy of Ballet

                2865 McDermott Rd.

                Plano, TX 75025

Who:      Dance educators, studio owners, dancers, and cross-trainers 

Cost:       $195 by May 30

                $245 June 1 or after

Currently scheduled sessions include:

Cross-Training in the Studio: How, Why, and When to Make It Happen!

There are so many demands on your studio time - how can you maximize what little time you've got with your students? We'll discuss practical ways to incorporate cross-training principles into the classroom; look at how to plan an entire season of cross-training for optimum health, based on your rehearsal and performance schedule; go through an efficient warm-up based on dynamic stretches and core strengthening; and more.

Target Practice: Exercises and Explanations for Three Common Trouble Areas

We'll break down three common biomechanical and strength issues for dancers: core strength and how to access it; shoulder girdle strength and alignment (no more chicken wing shoulder blades!); and proper recruitment for arabesque in a three-dimensional plane. You'll learn basic exercises you can incorporate as needed into your regular classes.

Training Hyper-Extended Dancers

Every class has at least one hyper-extended dancer. Do we widen her heels in first? Force her to dance with knees bent? Or find a third alternative? We'll cover the underlying musculoskeletal issues, and basic exercises and cuing to help the dancer find a healthier standing leg.

Teaching on Rotation Discs

Rotation discs are an excellent way to train the deep rotation muscles in a dancer, as well as teach them to standing leg strength, fluidity, and balance without "locking down". We'll work through many typical exercises in a traditional ballet class using the discs. Challenging but fun - always a favorite class!

Footwork and Breath on Parasetters

The Parasetter and Mini Parasetters are lightweight, easy-to-transport props that can be used in multiple ways in a dancer's training. We'll address specifically foot and ankle mobility, learning to balance from the pelvis rather than the ankle and toes, and go through a deliberate breath session I often use with dancers at the end of a workout or performance.

Safe Stretching and Ball Release Work

Everyone wants to stretch but not all stretches are created equal! We'll talk through principles for safe stretching - when you stretch determines how you stretch - and go through a series easily applied to a group class. We'll also address release work using different balls, affecting more efficient muscle recruitment.

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